I went on a 'rampage of gratitude', as they say.
Here is a sample: I am so grateful ... To live within 15 minutes of my favorite place on earth. For the sun and blue sky on a chilly December morning. For air so clean and fresh that it almost burns my nose. For living in a country where education is valued and every child gets to go to school and learn how to read – and I can then read signs along the seawall. For living in a city that values its green spaces enough that it even has a Parks & Recreation Department to clean up the pathway and beaches and take care of this park. For oceans so clean that I can see 20 feet under the surface. For living in a city where two gay men can be comfortable enough to walk hand-in-hand along the seawall. For living in a city where children are valued enough that playgrounds and water parks are created and maintained. For having clean drinking water, straight out of a public city water fountain. For exploring a park where birds still live … crows, seagulls and today, a bald eagle. For living in a place where anyone, including women, can feel safe enough to walk in a public park. Alone. For living in a society where people appreciate the park enough to not litter and the park workers care enough to pick up any litter that is around. I accepted all these gifts into my heart and was grateful for each and every one of them. Truly. Check out the next story in the series, Day 19: Pizza at a Teahouse? Photo by Pen Waggener Comments are closed.